Moored at Home in Bumble Hole

Moored at Home in Bumble Hole
At Home - Moored at Bumble Hole

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Wild Rose Revealed

In the sunshine its not so bad ! ! at least I will have a clean sweep and start from scratch, or rather have a mop n bilge and start with an anglegrinding ha ha.

Am beginning to remember lots of discussions about possible layouts. Its a very small space, but I do like a challenge...good job too.

Faded but proud !

I am being very good and wearing safety glasses, proper H & S of course.

Where's the angle grinder ???

Rust removal is the first job on the roof. Where did I leave the safety glasses ?????

The tarpaulin has had it and is coming off as soon as a replacement can be uncovered.

But despite all the gunge and rust she is still sound.

And on a lovely sunny day, tarpaulin rolled off and much work revealed but she looks real happy.

Ah what memories ... more travels coming up soon

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Livin and enjoyin every second of every day
