Moored at Home in Bumble Hole

Moored at Home in Bumble Hole
At Home - Moored at Bumble Hole

Monday, 9 July 2012

Another reminder

of just how far Wildrose has come on since her return.  I remember being unable to take many photos at first. It was just so sad to see her all neglected and in such a mess. I think if I had looked too hard I may never have started. But here she was less than 3 years ago....
Found hiding away, still at Bumble Hole where she was built and lived in until 1996. How could we abandon her? well we did and there you go, all these choices and decisions.  But anyway, I didn't look closely and just remembered how lovely she was and started thinking about how loverly I can make her again now that I have the time, inclination and hopefully the energy !!!!!!!

 The roof could have be mistaken for dancing ledge on the Durasic coast. Never seen so much pitting it looked really orrible. But the man selling me the filler assured me that as it was used for chieftain tanks, and it would do the job for me.....
and it did too

The water must have just sat on the top under the tarp but the water would run off so the sides and base plate were in much better condition ...  phew
 The sludge was at least 12 inches deep and was shoveled out in bucketfuls. The shoveling seemed to go on forever yuk........This was when my hair turned brown for a year Ha Ha...Kept thinking I had a suntan but it all went down the plughole !!!! Haven't been so dirty since we dismantled the Riley Kestrel and at least that was dry and indoors....
Large tin of filler badly needed ha ha !!

 The engine compartment was just full of  wires and pipes and rubbish and lots more rust .... the fuel tank was rusted to a wafer thickness.

 Just arrived at her refit home, I was very nervous then to take off the tarp, not seen her revealed

On the low loader ready to roll, placed expertly with a forklift truck !!!!

Inside my camera flash wasn't working, but you may just be able to make out the battery balancing above the water with the bilge pump attached....pumped it out for ages !!!!!!!

Looking towards the back deck, there's the kitchen again from the other side of the two bulkheads....which I have decided to not replace and leave the interior as open plan ...saves a lot of work too

 Off come the covers, slowly.  Painting and patterns still there and her faded glory revealed Ha Ha

 Looking in from the front deck, just dark and horrible...She  was a delight inside once .... and will be again ....
 Took a long time to get to this even. Thank goodness for the workshop hoover .....
So looking at Where I Have Got to, my goodness hasn't she come on well eh!!!
Today we erected a sort of gantry over the back deck with help from Bells Steel and rolled the engine up to where we can attach it to the block n tackle ready for the first lift.... tomora ???? depends on the weather.....oooh la la ... pics in tomoras update if it doesn't rain Ha Ha not holding breath eh!!!

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